skin tag, or acrochordon, is a small growth that forms primarily in areas where the skin forms creases (or rubs together), such as the neck, armpit and groin. Skin tags may also occur on the face, usually on the eyelids. Though tags up to half an inch (12.7 mm) long have been seen, they are typically the size of a grain of rice. The surface of a skin tag may be smooth or irregular in appearance and is often raised from the surface of the skin on a fleshy stalk called a peduncle.  Microscopically, a skin tag consists of a fibrovascular core, sometimes also with fat cells, covered by an unremarkable epidermis. However, tags may become irritated by shaving, clothing, jewellery, or eczema.

Of 1000 people surveyed( Excilor 2023) suffering with skin tags, 20% said they had theirs removed due to pain and a further 19% said it was due to embarrassment. Dr Green uses diathermy ( a well researched and effective treatment) to remove skin tags from the face including eyelid skin tags. She has removed hundreds of skin tags from the body including from the neck, armpits, bra area and the rest of the back and abdomen.

Varied home remedies are also available, but most are unproven and some (e.g. tea tree oil) may cause allergic skin reactions.